How to Configure Router Settings | What You Need to Know

As we know the use of internet are increasing rapidly across the world. There is no doubt to set up a stable internet connection for better performance. If you are using for online gaming, live streaming, browsing and other activities, therefore you have to need a reliable network installation. The wireless router plays important role in the centeralized network. The router is consider backbone of every internet connection such as office and home network. Its very necessary to know How to Configure Router Setting, if you are in trouble about configuration process so you have no need of any worry because we will explain step by step process in this blog post.  

How to Configure Router Settings

Here are some proven steps for router configuration. You must follow the given steps before the network is set up.

Step 1. Access the Router Admin Panel

  • Obviously this is the first step to access for any router, you have to open a web browser to search the ip address.
  • Enter the ip address ( 0r to your mobile or chrome browser to access the router.
  • If you are finding the ip address you have check the bottom of the router there is always a small sticker that chip in the corner of the router, the default username and password are labeled on this sticker.
  • Onced you opened the router admin page, through the default ip address there will be open a small two boxes one for username and the second for password.
  • Put the username admin and password also the admin if these credentials are not changed it will automatically open in your screen.

Some thing like this.

How to Configure Router Settings

Step 2. Change the Default Username and Password

You have to perceive one thing  if you want to secure your router you will change your default username and password, because when you configure router setting itself, the access automatically come to you.

Its quite simple to change the default username and passwords when you successfully accessed  the router setting you have to do this.

Firstly you go to setting menu section there will be find administration or system setting.

You can easily changed both username and password, and create new strong such as use max numbers of letters and special characters and save it.

Step 3. Configure Your Router Wireless Settings

After that the step you have to configure for your router that is wireless setting, its considered the main point of every wireless router because its contains a specific features some of them are given below.

Change SSID (Wi-Fi Name)

The SSID which is a name of every wireless router when you search about a network available surrouings you, there will be appear this name. Its better to change the default SSID name, mostly people keep it remain same, when you do not changed its a critical for your network.

Select Encryption Method

In the wireless setting you have set up a strong passwords, if there are default password you have to changes because its a security reason. I would a recommend to enable WPA3 encryption if  your router supports it. Create a max numbers of password including letter, special characters encryption. The password length may be 12 characters it will be considered strong according to security rules.

Select Wireless Band

As you know most of the latest routers come with two bands which is called dual band routers. If your router is two band its means one 2.4 Ghz and the second is 5GHZ you have to configure both bands.

The 2.4GHZ is using for longer ranges but the speed of this band is slow due to more interfernces.

The 5 GHZ is using for shorter range but this band provides faster speed according to others. You have to configure both bands in the settings. It will depend on user nature which are preferring to use.

Like this

How to Configure Router Settings

Step 4. Set Up DHCP and IP Address Range

We have seen a lot of cases there is mostly peoples are using Dynamic Host Configration Protocal (DHCP), as most of the them are home network they are preferring to use it because it will automatically asaigns ip to your router.

If you want change the ip you have to go to lan ip setting you can easily change the ip and assign to your router.

The changing of lan Ip you can easily do it through Ethernet lan cable.

Step 5. Enable or Set Up Guest Network

The guest network which is always creates for those users when you do not want to access someone you personal information, for security purposes mostly peoples to create it on their router.

Goto the wireless setting of the router find the guest network option simply you have to enable and create separate ssid name and password.

Step 6. Enable Firewall and Security Features

A firewall which is help you to protect your router from unathorized access, you have to enable this feature on your router, if you want to secure your router.

Enable SPI Firewall (Stateful Packet Inspection)

The aim of this checks when you enable It secures incoming and outgoing traffic and ensures that malicious data does not pass through.

Disable Remote Management

By default in every router this option enabled when you purchase it, when you set up your network its should be disbaled due to security risks, Disable it unless absolutely necessary. 

Step 7. Save and Reboot the Router

After completing the entire process, make all necessary changes, save your settings, and reboot the router if prompted. This will apply all the configurations you have made.

Why Configure Router Settings?

The configuration of router is very important before the set up any network. Sometimes when you purchase the new router and directly connected to any modem, Definitely its works properly but the configuration of any wireless router is very must for better internet experience.

Improved Security

It is very easy to increasing the security of your router, you have to do a few things such as change the default username and passwords, and also enable the encryption it will prevent from unathourized users.

Better Performance

If you want to better performance you have to optimse your network and also manage the bandwidth priorities.

Network Customization

It is a common to set up your network for your better experience, you have to set up guest networks create custom SSID names, and control who connects to your network.

Access Control

The access control means you have to set up a wifi network for a limited users. Create a guest network for new users.

Final Words

If you are worrying about the process of router setup its quite simple because we will explaind all the steps in the above section that How to Configure Router Settings you have to all these instructions before the setup. A well configured router will provide a faster, more secure and stable connection for all your devices. Stay with us we brings amazing tips and tricks related to wireless routers.

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