How To Block Someone On Your Wi-Fi Router | (Quick Tips)

As you know, this is a common thing in home networking. On your home network that you designed for yourself, So a device that can connect to it and you don’t want it. Such as a neighboring device or other overhead devices that are on-line longer and use more bandwidth. And we want to block all these invented devices through the router, so how do we do that?

How To Block Someone On Your Wi-Fi Router

Making changes to a router can be difficult for a non-technical user because everyone wants to make changes these days. On the other hand, accessing any device at the router level is quite easy even though all router devices have the option to do so. Often it is also an option to control or access the Internet. But the most we’ve seen so far, is a feature that comes with every device called MAC Address filtering.

the mac address which stands for (Media access control). This is a common unique address that comes in every electronic device, with the help of these MAC addresses you can easily identify the device  number. When you want to block someone on your router you need to enter the connected devices menu and in them you will see the mac address filtering option just click on it.

  • You must take these steps.
  • Firstly you have to open any browser.
  • Type the ip address in your browser.
  • Enter the username and password of your router.
  • Goto to the router setting menu.
  • Find a mac filtering option.
  • Choose the block or deny option.
  • At the end, you have to change all router login details to keep secure.

If you find any difficulty in doing these things or you are completely unaware of these things. So don’t worry we will discuss all the details. Every router has a different configuration so you have to manage them accordingly.

Stay with us and we will cover the given general steps.

Step 1. Find Your Router’s login Credentials

The process of accessing the router is very simple.If you’re not familiar with these terms, don’t worry—I’ve covered everything below. Before attempting to log in, find your router’s credentials, which you should be able to use.Most of the login details will be on the back of the router, which is a small label on each router. You can easily find this.

It will be look something like this.

If you don’t have direct access to the router, no problem, you can directly go to Google and search for the router model and you will know everything. 

Step 2.  Access Your Router’s Web Interface

Once you know about router login details you can do it easily. First you need to open a browser then you will add the IP to it. If you are connected to the router via a LAN cable, you will need to make various settings in the system before accessing.

Firstly you have to open any browser.

Then type ip address in chrome bar or

After that you have to enter username/password which is almost comes ‘admin’ in every router. 

If you still don’t know about these things, you should go directly and check the back of the router.

Step 3. Identify The Device to Be Blocked

Go to router settings and find all the devices that are connected to your router. After that it is very important to identify the device that you want to block. In the settings menu you will find an option like Connected Devices or DCHP Clients etc.

Something like this.

How To Block Someone On Your Wi-Fi Router

In every wireless wifi router you will find an option where it will show you all the connected devices. Where you will find the mac address and name of each device. This is one place where a blocked device can be easy or difficult to find in different cases.

Most of the time you can identify a device by its name. For example, you know you want to block a device from accessing your router. And that device is an Android mobile that you can easily recognize. And you know there is only one device on the network. As you can see you got it right away. And similarly you can block a device by remembering the name and MAC address.

Most devices are very difficult to identify by their names so it is not known which device is connected to which, in which case you will have to look up the MAC address and name of each device separately.

Step 4. Look for Mac Filtering Or Block Access option

Once you have identified a device and want to block it and you don’t see the block option in the router settings menu. Then you need to go to the Mac Filtering or Access Control menu on the router.

How To Block Someone On Your Wi-Fi Router

As you know most of the devices there will be listed with MAC address which you can easily allow or block the device also you can select the MAC address of any device and easily block it.  

The device you want to remove from the network simply enter the mac address of the device in the bar section and choose the block or denied option. Once you block a device, it cannot connect to the router again. You can also use the MAC address spoofing method which is a bit more advanced.

Step 5 . Change the router login credentials

Before blocking someone, the most important thing is to change your router’s login details. Because if you want to block someone for no reason, there must be some reaction or something that they can’t take anymore. Therefore, it is very important for you to change the login details in your router to your router devices. So that they can handle it themselves and change the credentials

If you’re looking for a login details  option inside your router, it’ll be a little different than what you’ll see in menu.(as wifi password). This option will be found in each router’s advanced settings.

You may need to lengthen your router login password or add some special characters to make it more secure. You can protect your network from unwanted devices.

When you enter the router login detail password you need to remember it well because if you don’t then everything will default and you will have to find your router again which is It will be a very difficult task.

Use multiple  ways to block a device on the network

As we know, different routers work in different ways. Let’s talk about them then why it is difficult to set up in the interface and some routers are very easy, for example, you can search by name to find a device. Some routers do not require MAC filtering, you can simply restrict the device.

1.Change The Router Wifi Password

If you want to block any unwanted device then you need to change your device password. To change the password you have to go inside the router and in the settings you have to search for the option of advanced settings. Go there and save your username and password easily

2. Disbale Dual Band Wifi Router

If you are using a dual-band router that often broadcasts in two frequency bands (2.4 0r 2.5) GHz. And if you want to remove any of your users you will go to the same band they are connected to, then you can deactivate the band.

3. Set Up a Guest Network

Another solution may be to create a guest network on your router. Similarly, this is a good solution if you don’t want to have any users on your router for security reasons.

4. Delete the Wi-Fi password on the device

Finally the solution is to remove the password from your router and also disable the ssid name through the network setting and that is also a good solution no one will be able to connect no one will know if there is any network running or not.

Final Thoughts

As you have covered the entire process above how we block any devices. So blocking unwanted devices is also a good way to secure your network. To set up your router, you must first enter its IP address ( 0r Next, go to the settings menu to find out which device is connected to it. There, you can see the names and MAC addresses of all connected devices.. Select the  mac address of the unwanted devices and then click on the disable  option and save it.

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